The Specialty Crew posting came with a radio, a set of keys, a blue cotton t-shirt … and a 5:30 a.m. wakeup call. I was starting my career at the bottom, but I didn’t care—in two weeks, I was going to buy a stereo.
Read More2024 update: On Wednesday, January 24th, our family lost our house to a fire. Old things have gone, but new things are beginning. We’ll share about our experiences here.
We started A Long Work in response to a sharpening conviction that conventional wisdom is wrong: faster doesn’t necessarily mean better. Some of life’s most important lessons take time. Some experiences stretch across decades. We are — too often stubbornly — learning this. Maybe you’re in the boat with us, so to speak: questioning the pressures this world places on you. Searching for deeper purpose in your relationships, your work, and perhaps even life itself. This is long work. It is good. It is necessary. It is exhausting and scary at times. But for us, it’s what makes life meaningful.
The Specialty Crew posting came with a radio, a set of keys, a blue cotton t-shirt … and a 5:30 a.m. wakeup call. I was starting my career at the bottom, but I didn’t care—in two weeks, I was going to buy a stereo.
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